Imagine waking up every morning, walking around on egg
shells scared to death, wondering what you did to deserve to be brutally
beating by the man you love. Many women around the world suffer as victims from
domestic violence. Domestic violence is something some women feel they can’t escape
from. Probably because they are afraid to reach out for help, or stand up to
their abuser. I am against domestic violence against women because, it can
cause mental as well as physical problems to women, would should not be treated
as property, and domestic violence is against the law.
Domestic violence against women has been around since
ages, dating all the way back to 1768. When “Sir
William Blackstone's codification of British common law asserted that a husband
had the right to beat his wife as long as the stick was no thicker than his
thumb” (Glazer). In the early 1960’s domestic violence was viewed as a private
family affair. Meaning the cops and judges rarely got involved, which could be
reason why many women felt like there was no help. In 1979 “Psychologist Lenore
Walker introduces the term “battered woman syndrome” in The Battered Woman”
(Glazer). Which is a physical and psychological condition in women who has been
a victim of domestic violence. I think that if the police would have been more involved
in helping the victims of domestic violence in the 1960’s battered women syndrome
would not be around today.
In an article I read on CQ
Researcher called, “Violence against Women” by Sarah Glazer. Stated that the, “rule
of thumb,” symbolized that men viewed women as property. Which is properly why
some men felt the need to put their hands on a women. Thinking that they owned
them and that by beating the women, is how they will continue to maintain power.
A woman is not a man’s property or something that could be owned by someone. Women
deserved to be treated equally and not have to be subjected to punishment by their
husband just because he feels he has power.
A website I looked
at called, the advocate for human rights, had an article called “Domestic violence”.
Which talked about the laws out fourth to protect women against domestic violence.
The article stated that a study in 2000, showed that 1 out of every 4 women in
the United States has been a victim of domestic violence. That goes to show
that domestic violence is still a major issue in the world today, which women constantly
have to deal with. The article also went on to explain that, “women take up 85%
of the domestic violence rate in the United states. Which is what lead to the
Violence against women Act of 1994, that was put forth to help victims against
domestic violence.
the article “violence against women’, the author Sarah Gazer did a wonderful
job informing readers about violence against women. She used a good display of
Logos through put through her writing by explaining everything women went
through from 1992. I defiantly agree with the arguments in the article and how
she talks about how many women were being treated. By elaboration how men
viewed women as property.
Works cited
Sarah. “CQ Researcher” “Violence against
Women” Sage publications, web .26 February 2013.
N.A “The Advocates
for Human Rights”, “Domestic violence:”
The Advocates for Human Rights” web 2010.
Matson, E. VAWA.
Digital image. Revolutionary Radar. N/a, 24 Jan. 2013. Web. 23 Feb.
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